Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1691832/
Release Date: 12 August 2010
Genre: Action | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Stars: Aaron Kwok, Shu Qi, Collin Chou, Wu Jing, Zhang Jingchu
Source: BluRay 720p DTS 2Audio x264-CHD
Release Info: NFO
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
Tidak puas dengan menjadi badut di sirkus lokal, Sunny (diperankan oleh Aaron Kwok) bercita-cita menjadi seorang pelempar pisau besar, persis seperti ayahnya. Pada perjalanan berburu harta karun-jauh ke pegunungan Malaysia, Sunny dan 5 pemain sirkus lainnya sembarangan dipicu senjata bio-kimia dari Perang Dunia II.
Tak lama setelah kembali ke Hong Kong, tubuh mereka mengalami perubahan dari inhalasi gas dari senjata. Tulang dan otot menunjukkan tanda-tanda animalization. Kekuatan mereka meningkat sangat. Kelompok ini memutuskan untuk menggunakan kekuatan khusus mereka untuk berbuat jahat. Perampokan dan serangan meletus di kota.
Kekuatan dan kelincahan Sunny juga didorong tapi anehnya, dia tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda animalization. Akibatnya, dia mendapatkan ketenaran dan popularitas. Sementara yang lain berubah menjadi makhluk jelek, mereka memutuskan untuk menculik lima orang terkaya di kota dan memasang perangkap untuk menangkap Cerah sehingga untuk mencari tahu mengapa dia mampu melawan mutasi dalam tubuhnya.
Not satisfied with
being a clown in a local circus, Sunny (played by Aaron Kwok) dreams of
becoming a great knife thrower; just like his father. On a
treasure-hunting trip deep into the mountains of Malaysia, Sunny and 5
other circus performers carelessly triggered a bio-chemical weapon from
World War II.
Shortly after returning to Hong Kong, their bodies undergo changes from inhalation of gas from the weapon. Their bones and muscles show signs of animalization. Their strength increases incredibly. The group decides to use their special strengths to do evil. Robberies and assaults erupt in the city.
Sunny’s strength and agility also boosted but strangely, he shows no signs of animalization. As a result, he gains fame and popularity. While the others are turning into ugly creatures, they decide to kidnap the top five richest men in the city and set a trap to capture Sunny so as to find out why is he able to resist the mutation in his body.
Shortly after returning to Hong Kong, their bodies undergo changes from inhalation of gas from the weapon. Their bones and muscles show signs of animalization. Their strength increases incredibly. The group decides to use their special strengths to do evil. Robberies and assaults erupt in the city.
Sunny’s strength and agility also boosted but strangely, he shows no signs of animalization. As a result, he gains fame and popularity. While the others are turning into ugly creatures, they decide to kidnap the top five richest men in the city and set a trap to capture Sunny so as to find out why is he able to resist the mutation in his body.
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PART 1, PART 2, PART, 3Mediafire
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